Special Offers

Special Offers

Support Canada and Buy Canadian! To help support, copy and paste this Canadian Beaver picture and add it to your website(s), social media, etc., and share it with your family, friends, and co-workers.
New Discounted Fall and Winters prices
1. If you are the 4th order online today your order is FREE! We will contact you to let you know and refund your credit card or e-transfer 100% immediately.
2. Buy them one of our "They Got Me Shirts" Pink or Blue. Regular price $19.98 On Sale for only $9.99 when you order online with a display rental. We leave this on their doorstep in a nice gift bag when we set up the pre-dawn display.
3. When ordering online, you automatically receive $25 to $34 off our regular rental rate plus you can choose up to 4 gifts from us as follows: 2nd-day rental free, a free postcard keepsake, a free email picture of the display set up so you can share it with your family and friends on social media and a free honk sign rental to go with the display rental. These are all optional you can choose all 4, 3, 2, 1, or none its up to you, and yes they are FREE! On top of this, you can give them an extra keepsake gift to remember with one of our blue or pink "They Got Me T-shirts for 50% off. While doing the display rental setup, we leave this t-shirt in a gift bag on their doorstep.
4. We love sharing with all communities. If you are doing a fundraiser for any great cause please get in touch with us. We love to donate our display rental service to great causes. For more information please contact Gary via text at 780-885-3184.
5. We love to surprise and give back to our customers. We randomly select a customer each night we are setting up a display to add something at no charge such as a 10-foot or 15-foot happy birthday or surprise flag, a 10 or 20-foot sky dancer, or an additional large character or sign to add to your rental display.
"Not only do we offer the best displays & service in Edmonton & the area no one gives you more than Birthday Lawn Card Rentals" that's a fact!